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Quality Assurance
We aim to ensure that Rockmount is a high quality and responsive service.
We do this by:
Work in collaboration with CQC Key lines of enquiry and standards.
Have an open door philosophy so service users feel able to approach and have direct access to managers
Holding a user forum each week to discuss issues and plan activities and menus.
Actively encourage service user involvement and input into service delivery.
Have your say post box and forms in reception area.
Carry out regular user satisfaction surveys, sharing and action planning the outcomes.
Notice boards in place for service users, staff and visitors.
Carrying out carer surveys.
Staff surveys and annual away days for service development and improvement initiatives.
Regular team meetings.
Staff events and team building activities.
Dealing with any concerns and complaints in a timely manner
Working in a collaborative and transparent manner with external professionals.
Actively seeking feedback re service delivery and quality improvements from a variety of sources.
Open door policy for families and carers.
Encourage and involve families in the service delivery and special event celebrations.
Carry out internal audits as per calendar including health and safety inspections.
Attend provider forums and task groups to ensure good practice sharing.
Attend local events re new legislation and practice developments.
Provide data and information to nationally recognised external agencies including clinical governance and local safeguarding bodies.
Achieve and maintain Investors in People award.
Maintenance of professional registration with NMC for Nurse Managers.
Adherence to GSCC code of conduct for all staff employed.
Regular review and development of policies and procedures
Work in partnership, and follow advice from HR and Health and Safety advisors “
Nat West Mentor”.
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The Aims of Our Service
Quality Assurance
Key People
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