Mission Statement



Safe, Caring, Effective, Responsive and Well Led.

The above CQC Key Lines of Enquiry form the structure and underpin the standards for our service specification.

Our main aim is to deliver person centred care and ensure that service user needs and wishes are at the heart of everything we do.

Our vision is 

To deliver a high quality, safe and supportive service in as least a restrictive manner as possible.

Enabling and empowering service users to realise their maximum potential within the limitations of their illness and ability.

To focus on

  • Improving function
  • Improving quality of life
  • Symptom management

Reduce stress and minimise/manage risks

Maximise long term quality of life

Align care delivery with evidence based good practice

Our philosophy and values are

  • Rockmount staff and service users will work together to foster a culture of mutual respect and understanding.
  • We will actively promote effective communication, taking into account individual needs and preferences, to ensure everyone has a valued contribution to service development.
  • We will value the input from external professionals, families and friends to ensure thorough assessment of user needs, and that the holistic service provided is based on factual, accurate, current and historical data.
  • We will engender a culture of shared values, ensuring everyone has the right to be an individual.
  • We will promote tolerance and embrace diversity for all people involved with our service.
  • We will value the culture of rehabilitation and positive risk taking, promoting full integration into daily routines, developing both internal and external support networks based on individual needs and preferences.
  • We will provide a safe and supportive homely environment, whilst promoting a rehabilitation ethos. Rockmount will promote a culture where people are given opportunity to maintain existing and develop new life skills.
  • Our approach will enable us to support service users towards achievement of individual meaningful goals as defined by outcomes star assessment, desired outcomes.

Agency Philosophy

We believe that as a specialist mental health service provider, we have a duty, to those we support, to adhere to the following principles…

  • All service users have unique needs which may change over time and services must be person centred and individualised to be flexible to meet those needs.
  • We will promote tolerance and embrace diversity for all people involved with our service. We will strive to deliver non-discriminatory support that meets the needs of service users irrespective of culture, race, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability and other protected characteristics within legislation.
  • We will engender a culture of shared values, ensuring everyone has the right to be an individual.
  • We will seek out and promote developmental and inclusive opportunities for service users we support, to enhance self-esteem and confidence.
  • We will seek out and promote the development of therapeutic and meaningful relationships which are empowering and avoid increased dependency.
  • We will involve our service users in the operational running and evaluation of the home and facilitate weekly meetings and complete annual surveys as a minimum.
  • We will work to achieve the highest quality service provision aiming to satisfy and exceed service user, carer and other professionals expectations
  • We will use resources efficiently to minimise waste and cost, and engage in waste minimisation and recycling initiatives.
  • We will deliver our services in as least restrictive manner as is safely possible. Assessing risks and adhering to all relevant legislation.
  • We understand that duty of care has to be balanced with the needs and wishes of service users in line with capacity and the right to make choices both wise and unwise.
  • We will value the input from external professionals, families and friends to ensure thorough assessment of user needs and the holistic service provided is based on factual, current and historical data.
  • We will work together to foster a culture of mutual respect and understanding.
  • We will actively promote effective communication, taking into account individual needs and preferences, to ensure everyone has a valued contribution to service development.
  • We will respond in a timely manner to any concerns or complaints that we receive in line with local policies and guidance.
  • We aim to provide staff with the correct skills and knowledge to deliver a safe and effective service. We will achieve this by effective recruitment, training and HR processes.
  • We are committed to evaluating and enhancing our service and learning from incidents, complaints, inspections, survey outcomes and other feedback received.
  • We will value the culture of rehabilitation and positive risk taking, promoting full integration into daily routines, developing both internal and external support networks based on individual needs and preferences.
  • We will provide a safe and supportive homely environment, whilst promoting a rehabilitation ethos. Rockmount will promote a culture where people can maintain existing and develop new life skills.

Our core values

We believe service users have the right to

  • A valued, inclusive and meaningful life
  • The right to make choices wise or unwise
  • To be treated with dignity and respect at all times
  • To be accepted for themselves as individuals
  • To feel fulfilled and content
  • To be supported to be as independent as possible
  • To have real life opportunities
  • To feel safe and financially secure
  • To have a good quality of life
  • To feel empowered and included.

Desired outcomes

Our approach will enable us to support service users towards achievement of individual goals as defined by outcomes star assessment, desired outcomes.

  • Improved wellbeing
  • Improved physical and mental health wellness
  • Opportunity for meaningful relationships and family contacts
  • Improved opportunity and access to meaningful activities
  • Reduced anxiety/distress
  • Reduced challenges to service provision/incidents
  • Minimise risk of hospital readmission
  • Increased safety and risk management
  • Financial security
  • Reduced social isolation
  • Enhanced self-esteem and confidence
  • Increased or maintained levels of independence.
  • Skill acquisition or maintenance of existing skill levels.


Staff really seem to care and I feel confident about the way they look after my brother. They are all easy to talk to and I feel welcome. Head Office Relocation
The best way to find out more about Rockmount Northwest is by visiting us