CQC report

We have now received our CQC report and are very pleased to note that we have been rated as good in the Caring, Effective and Responsive categories.

Unfortunately on the day of the inspection there were some discrepancies with medication of which we could not identify the cause.  We are very disappointed to have been marked as requires improvement in Safe due to this and also in Well led, as our audit process had not identified how discrepancy occurred.

I would ask that you read the whole report summary as there are elements of really good practice indicated and service users have said they are happy, have no concerns and feel well cared for.


We had already strengthened our audit process and carried out further work with our staff to ensure all medications are correct at all times. We did this following the inspection and prior to the report being published. We are confident that the rating will be changed when we are next inspected and are hoping for a minimum of good in all areas.

Some extracts from the report

“People living at the service told us they felt safe living at Rockmount Northwest. The staff we spoke with had a good understanding of safeguarding, whistleblowing and how to report any concerns.”

“People told us; “I feel safe, I sleep well.” “I feel safe here. I have no worries about things like that. I know everyone living here.” A health care professional told us; “My impression of the home is that it is a great place for vulnerable people to reside.”

“There was a welcoming atmosphere throughout the home and people spoke positively about the visibility of the management and the leadership of the home. People told us they would recommend living at Rockmount Northwest.”

“Staff spoke of a positive culture and a management that were approachable and supportive”

“People were supported by staff that were kind and caring. Staff maintained people’s privacy and dignity and promoted their independence.
Each person living at the service had their own care plan, which was person centred and detailed people’s choices and personal preferences.
People were supported to maintain fulfilled and active lives. There was a comprehensive activities programme and people were supported to pursue education, employment and community activities.”

The culture of the service was open and inclusive. We received positive feedback about the leadership from people, staff and healthcare professionals”

“Despite the management conducting a number of audits, the internal audit processes in place at the time of the inspection had not identified the concerns we had raised in regards to the safe management of medicines. We received confirmation from the registered manager that this had been strengthened following our visit.”

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