the last 6 months

We have had a busy 6 months since my last update was made– we now have Nourish care records fully embedded in practice which has enabled us to spend more quality time with service users. we have been able to bespoke the records we keep to suit our service and ensure we capture all the relevant information we need to ensure we can monitor the service effectively. weparticularly like the handover facility

In addition we have entered into partnership with E learning for you (ELFY) which has been very successful at enabling us to increase our training compliance without sacrificing resources for service user support which is one of the ongoing difficulties we face with classroom learning.  We have retained some classroom training as staff benefit from discussion and questions or need practical learning in addition to theory.

We have a new Deputy manager, Julie, in post due to sheilas retirement.. what a send off we gave her!!

We had a great Christmas party and even had a visit from Accrington lions to the home– they gave out well received chocolate Santas

We continue to place a large emphasis on activities and holidays a recent visit to the blue planet was successful and enjoyed by all who participated. People are now commencing with city breaks etc with 2 trips to Scotland and one to Llandudno planned this month. we have lots of Music concerts planned for the summer months.

We have found a local activity provider who organises activities each day. Service users are benefiting from attending various classes including line dancing. bingo and afternnon tea and board games up to now. This is all in addition to our in house activity coordinator arrangements. She has been supporting people with art and craft activities and we continue to attend to our allotment in partnership with Prospects.

We are on with planning events for Red nose day and Easter celebrations in the next few weeks.

We continue to invest in keeping the home in tip top condition and have recently had all the ground floor redecorated- service users were involved in choosing wallpaper and colour palette options.

There are plans to improve the outside areas once the weather  becomes better..

Friday sees us celebrating a service users 50th birthday- he has chosen to have a pizza takeaway and we ave ordered a special cake, and balloons. Bunting is being made within our art and craft sessions. His family will be coming along to help celebrate his milestone date.

This week we also have our Investors in people assessment being carried out.


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