CQC focused inspection

In response to the notification of a service user dying the CQC came out to carry out a focused inspection, on 9th October, in 2 of the 4 domains- Safe and well led. They needed to check that we were managing risk in relation to mental health issues and that we had made improvements since our last inspection in October 2016.

Although they found that we had improved we could not have our ratings changed due to the way the CQC inspect and that it was not a full inspection, we asked for this to be reflected in the report and are glad to see that it was included.

“Although improvements had been made to the management of medicines some minor issues remained as reported. Also one person told us they considered the regime was restrictive. The methodology in place when the inspection took place does not allow us to change the rating for a service following a focused inspection. An explanation for not changing the rating in Safe has been added to the report.”

in addition it was also explained that as the inspection was focused on only 2 of the 4 domains this could not affect the whole inspection rating for the service

The report did include some very positive comments about Rockmount, the inspectors found that we are managing risks and have good documentation in place.

We had excellent feedback from the external professionals that we work with. Service users said they were happy living at Rockmount and staff were happy working here. We are very disappointed that the rating could not be changed but understand that this has been addressed in the new way the CQC inspect from 1st November 2017.

Service User comments included

“I feel well looked after and comfortable”, “No one is treated badly”
and “Staff are supportive and kind. I feel safe as its well organised and I don’t need to worry about anything

Comments professionals made to us included,

“I feel confident that when I place individuals with this service, the care and support they receive is excellent and they will be safe. I feel this comes from
having oversight from a very experienced manager and deputy” and

“During my reviews when I talk to the
staff and the client I have never had any concerns regarding any safety issues. The placement always appeared well staffed and the clients were well supervised and managed

Staff comments

One staff member commented, “[Name of registered manager] is nice but also firm. They provide clear leadership.”

Another staff member told us, “[Name of registered manager] is very supportive. Their door is always open to sit and chat. They expect high standards.




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